Agir agir Namche’ye geldik. NBC’den ikinci bir ekip de burda takili kalmis durumda. Ana kampa giderlerken haberleri almislar ve artik oraya gitmelerinin bir anlami olmadigi icin Namche’de kaliyorlar. Birkac gun sonra da Lakpa Rita’nin koyu olan ve bizim de geceledigimiz Thame’de bizim Sherpalar icin duzenlenecek ayri bir torene katilacaklarmis. Aksam NBCnin bu projesi icin calismanin agirligi altinda ezilmis, ve sucluluk ve uzuntusunu bizim gibi tirmanicilardan cikarmaya calisan bir tiple muhatap olmak durumunda kaliyoruz. Konusmak mumkun degil, adam kabalasiyor ama etraftakiler hemen susturuyorlar kendisini. Diger ekipler de mudahale ediyor cunku herif tam bir gerizekali. Hemen de pisman oluyor soylediklerine ve ozur diliyor. Hayatinda tirmanmamis ve hicbir bilgisi birikimi olmayan insan grubundan birinin yarattigi gereksiz bir durum. Umarim bir daha karsilasmayiz.


We made it to Namche after a long day. NBC’s second team on their way up to base camp is also here stuck - they won’t be going up since all is hut down. They will go to Thame in a few days to attend a ceremony for the deceased Sherpas who were from there. During dinner, I am forced to be part of a conversation with someone from NBC who made it clear at the end that he is weak and feels sad and guilty and reflects all of it on climbers like me. Impossible to talk to as he gets rude with each sentence such that others intervene and shut him down. He regrets what he said immediately and apologizes. I accept the apology but he remains to be an idiot in my eyes. I don’t need that shit right now. I am hoping not to see him again.

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Sekerleme / Nap

Sekerleme / Nap

Sekerleme / Nap